Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Survived the surgery

Well, I survived the ankle surgery. It was almost a week ago on 8/14. It was worse than I had anticipated. I had to be awake for the whole thing and it was a three hour long surgery. At first I wasn't in too much pain, but by 12:30 that night I was totally miserable. I had to call my OB in the middle of the night and my husband had to go pick up some stonger drugs for me in the middle of the night. Fortunately those got me through the first few days. Monday (8/18) I went back to the Orthopedic Surgeon (OS) and got my walking boot back on. Although I can't actually walk on it for several more weeks. I also saw my OB, who switched me from Lovenox to Heparin. I have to take blood thinners because the pregnancy puts me at increased risk for blood clots. I've been keeping busy, but it is really frustrating being stuck here on the couch. I know I'm in for a long few weeks!


mkmissii said...

OMG Mary
my name is Melissa I am 33 weeks pregnant now and 4 weeks ago i broke my ankle and needed surgery
three pins later, i'm casted and sent home. i had a two week appt, when they took out the staples and gave me a boot to wear for the next month well two more weeks until i see the surgeon. I was wondering how long until you were able to feel normal again, i'm hoping i can walk somewhat by the time the baby comes in 7 weeks.

Bloom Child said...

I broke my ankle 3 days ago. Am 31 weeks pregnant and scared about an operation. How did yours turn out? What type of anesthesia did they use? Anything you can tell me will help.

Bloom Child said...

I broke my ankle 3 days ago. Am 31 weeks pregnant and scared about an operation. How did yours turn out? What type of anesthesia did they use? Anything you can tell me will help.

Christianphilosopher said...

I am 24 weeks pregnant and suffered a trimalleolar fracture to the ankle 10 days ago. In A&E they reset my foot without painkillers (gas and air)... one of the most painful things bar none!! Surgery under spinal was done the next day with midwives at hand to monitor foetal distress, if any. By the grace of God all was fine in the end. The first few days after surgery were agony and I couldn't even put my foot down for more than a few seconds. Things improved on about day 8. 6 weeks non weight bearing to look forward to now and hopefully then getting back some normality. ..although bump will be massive then! All quite an experience :=) thought I'd post in case it was useful for anyone.

Christianphilosopher said...

I am 24 weeks pregnant and suffered a trimalleolar fracture to the ankle 10 days ago. In A&E they reset my foot without painkillers (gas and air)... one of the most painful things bar none!! Surgery under spinal was done the next day with midwives at hand to monitor foetal distress, if any. By the grace of God all was fine in the end. The first few days after surgery were agony and I couldn't even put my foot down for more than a few seconds. Things improved on about day 8. 6 weeks non weight bearing to look forward to now and hopefully then getting back some normality. ..although bump will be massive then! All quite an experience :=) thought I'd post in case it was useful for anyone.